Here’s a really delicious recipe for you: ORGANIC BRIOCHES LOAF incredibly soft 😍 Ideal for a snack or breakfast, perhaps to dunk in milk or coffee.
Based on Semiwholemeal Flour and Manitoba Flour, the perfect ingredients for making leavened cakes like this fantastic brioches loaf, even better because it is enriched with organic sultanas and lemon zest.
✨The dough is very easy to make! Use our Organic Dried Mother Yeast for an incredible result.
- Preparation: 20 minutes + leavening
- Servings: 8 people
- Difficoltà: Media
- Baking time: 30-40 minutes
Follow the recipe of our Health Food Coach Vanessa Lorenzetti:
- 350 g Organic AIDA flour Type 1 for all recipes
- 150 g Manitoba flour
- Half a cube of brewer's yeast or 25 g of dried sourdough
- 100 g of sugar
- 2 large eggs
- 100 g of butter
- The grated zest of a large untreated lemon
- 100 g of raisins
- 250 ml of fresh whole milk or almond drink
Setacciare le farine in una ciotola. Sciogliere il lievito in 3 – 4 cucchiai di latte tiepido (o il lievito madre in 100 g del latte) con un cucchiaino di zucchero, aggiungetelo alla farina e cominciare ad impastare.
Add the sugar and the rest of the milk, a little at a time, and knead until the flour absorbs it all. Unire poi le uova e la scorza grattugiata del limone, e quando l’impasto è ben incordato, il burro a fiocchetti. Aggiungere ancora un paio di cucchiai di farina se serve e unite l’uvetta se la usate, impastare fino ad ottenere un composto omogeneo e lasciare lievitare fino al raddoppio, circa un’ora per il lievito di birra e fino a 3 per il lievito madre.
Mettere l’impasto sul piano di lavoro e sgonfiarlo leggermente. Divide it into three or four pieces, stretch into strands and braid them. Brush with a little lukewarm milk and allow to rest for a further 30 minutes.
Cuocere in forno preriscaldato a 200 °C per circa 30 minuti.