mimosa bio

Happy Women’s Day! Have you ever tried to prepare an alternative version of the classic Mimosa Cake? Here it is in a delicious single-portion, perfect for celebrating all the women in our lives! 🌷

✨The MIMOSA CAKE IN A CUP is composed of layers of vanilla sponge cake, alternated with delicious custard. As decoration, diced organic pineapple in syrup.

Fresh and with citrus notes, this mimosa by the glass is ideal as an end-of-meal dessert or an afternoon snack. 🥰

We prepared it with organic Manitoba flour, perfect for a soft and tasty sponge cake.

Follow the recipe of our Health Food Coach Vanessa Lorenzetti:


For the sponge cake

  • 260 g Organic Manitoba flour
  • 200 gr. of potato starch 
  • 200 g brown sugar 
  • 160 gr. of seed or grape-seed oil 
  • 250 g soya drink 
  • 1 sachet of yeast 
  • bourbon vanilla

For the Cream

  • 600 g vanilla soy milk 
  • 30 gr. of flour
  • 12 g corn starch 
  • 60 g brown sugar or agave juice or malt 
  • 300 g vegetable whipping cream 
  • 300 g diced fresh pineapple or pineapple in syrup


For the sponge cake: Mix the dry ingredients and sieve them, in a bowl mix the milk and oil, add the mixture to the flour/sugar mix and mix with a whisk until smooth, without lumps. Grease and flour a 22 cm diameter mould, pour in the dough and bake in a preheated oven at 170 degrees for about 35 minutes (depending on the oven). Check the baking with a toothpick, it must be dry.

For the cream: Mettere in un pentolino, la farina, l’amido e lo zucchero di canna. mescolate in modo che tutti gli ingredienti secchi si amalgamino. Aggiungere lentamente il latte di soia avendo cura di mescolare per non formare dei grumi, mettere sul fuoco e portare a bollore tenendo sempre mescolato, vedrete che la crema addensa. Finché la crema raffredda completamente montare la panna e la tenere da parte. Quando la crema pasticciera si è raffreddata aggiungere la panna farla incorporare alla crema dall’alto al basso in modo da non farla smontare.
Incorporare l’ananas tagliato a pezzettini.

Comporre il dolce


Lievito madre bio

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