Do you love chocolate? 🍫 Then these cupcakes are for you!
The moist cocoa base hides a delicious black cherry in syrup inside, giving it an irresistible sweetness 🍒.
All decorated with a fluffy cloud of cream, sour cherries and crumbled chocolate 😍
They are gluten-free, and therefore suitable for coeliacs and those with intolerances, because they are made with our gluten-free Spigabuona cake mix, which is naturally lactose-free, without added sugar and without hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.
- Preparation: 20 minutes
- Servings: 6-9 people
- Difficoltà: Facile
- Cooking time: 18 minutes
Follow the recipe of Cuocadè:
- 75 gr of Mix Dolci Spigabuona
- 20 g icing sugar (or vegetable cream)
- 75 gr of sugar
- 75 g milk (also soya or rice milk)
- 50 g melted dark chocolate (bain-marie or microwave)
- 45 g vegetable oil (sunflower or rice oil)
- 15 g bitter cocoa powder
- About fifteen sour cherries or cherries in syrup in which they are soaked
- 6 g baking powder or cream of tartar
- 1 medium egg
- 1 vanilla pod or vanilla powder
- Salt up
Accendere il forno a 180°C in modalità statica. In una ciotola, unire l’uovo, lo zucchero, la vaniglia, il latte e l’olio, mescolando bene. In un’altra ciotola, setacciare la farina Mix Dolci Spigabuona, il lievito e il cacao. Aggiungere il sale e mescolare bene. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate. Add the melted chocolate to the liquid mixture. Add flour and stir.
Riempire i pirottini da muffin fino a metà e infornare per 15-18 minuti. Montare la panna e versarla nella sac à poche con beccuccio. Prepare the sour cherries and juice on one side.
Once the muffins are baked, remove them from the paper and make a hole in the centre. Bagnare con il succo di amarene e inserire 1 amarena all’interno del buco. Decorate with cream, sour cherries and the crumbled cocoa part. Store in the refrigerator.